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Class Level Subscription Plan

We offer a subscription for the entire class. Once the payment is made, we set up a teacher account for the course, and all students are granted access. This subscription covers the entire academic year for both the teacher and the students. The plan includes access to a digital copy of the entire workbook, along with additional curated content. We curate popular YouTube videos, meticulously edit them to remove any inappropriate content, and embed 5D questions directly into these videos. Moreover, we continuously upload new content and activities throughout the year, ensuring that the Learning Management System (LMS) remains dynamic, engaging, and significantly more valuable than a textbook alone. A dedicated team regularly updates and enriches the LMS to maintain its relevance and effectiveness.

Science Secrets
in 5 Steps
Grade Kindergarten

The "Science Secrets in 5 Steps" course incorporates the 5D-Thinking model into science education, broadening students' perspectives. It utilizes the 5D-Thinking Workbook tailored for kindergarten learners. This course benefits students, teachers, and parents alike. Comprising ten distinct chapters, each with its own distinctive layout, the course enhances learning experience. Additionally, every chapter includes supporting barcodes directing students to pertinent scientific videos.

  • Level: Kindergarten
  • Duration:  21 hours 
  • Video Time:  4 hours
  • Author: Necati Aydin; Uzma Ahmed; Saba Irshad Ansari
  • Learners
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Unique learning paths

The course promises an outstanding learning journey featuring adaptable learning routes and expert mentorship, ensuring a remarkable educational experience.
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Interactive Multimedia Content

The course fosters a sense of community among learners by creating social learning spaces, such as discussion boards, chat rooms, and social media groups.
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Community Engagement

The course fosters a sense of community among learners by creating social learning spaces, such as discussion boards, chat rooms, and social media groups.
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Upon finishing the course, students will receive a certificate of completion.
Instructor & 5D Thinking Founder

Prof. Necati Aydin

Dr. Necati Aydin is a professor of economics specializing in wellbeing and the moral economy from a multidisciplinary perspective. He also serves as the vice president of the Institute of Integrated Knowledge. He holds two doctoral degrees, one in education and the other in economics. He spent a decade in the USA as a researcher, completing over forty research projects before commencing his academic career. He is the author of nine books and has translated two, co-authored three, and published numerous peer-reviewed articles. His work includes several publications within the realm of the Islamic moral economy. His recent work includes a book published by Routledge titled “Said Nursi and Science in Islam: Character Building through the Mana-i Harfi Approach” and another titled “3D of Happiness: Pleasure, Meaning, and Spirituality”. Collaborating with various scholars, he has developed the 5D Thinking model for the integration of knowledge. He is also the project leader of a science workbook series that encourages the exploration of God’s hidden signs in the scientific understanding of the universe.

Uzma Ahmad

Uzma Ahmed is the Director of Education and Training at the Institute of Integrated Knowledge, Hartford, USA. She has designed the 5D kids program. Uzma Ahmed holds a BSc Hons. In International Relations from the University of London and an MA in International Relations from Queen Mary University of London. She has also completed a Diploma in Islamic Education from the International Online University with a broad range of Islamic disciplines. She has worked as an Educational Consultant, Primary school Principal, Curriculum developer, Researcher in Islamic education, and Teacher trainer for schools in the UK and Pakistan for 25 years. She conducts short courses for Qur’an Tafsir, Sirah, Islamic history, and personal development. She is a public speaker on Contemporary Islamic issues in the Muslim world. She has authored primary-level English textbooks and Reading books and regularly writes material for home schoolers and Islamic courses for children of all ages on many topics with a focus on Islamic history and Tarbiyah.

Aisha Alowais

Aisha Alowais is a Research Analyst at the Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST), where her expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning are used for conducting research in areas that bring together AI and astronomy. With a rich academic foundation that includes a BSc. in Computer Science with a minor in Arabic Language and Literature from the American University of Sharjah and an MA in History and Islamic Civilization from the University of Sharjah, Alowais harnesses a multidisciplinary approach to research. She is currently pursuing Ph.D. programs in the field of history at the University of Sharjah and the prestigious Warburg Institute, University of London. An advocate of the Five-Dimensional Thinking approach, she serves both as a contributor and as the Managing Editor for the 5D Thinking magazine. As she progresses with her Ph.D. studies, Alowais is committed to developing and directing multidisciplinary projects with the potential to make meaningful advancements in research and education.

Saba Irshad Ansari

Saba Irshad Ansari is a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Islamic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, India. She holds two gold medals for the years 2016 and 2018. She is in the final stages of her PhD. Her main area of interest is Muslim theology and contemporary Islamic thought. She is also a Director of the Existence and Meaning Programs at the Institute of Integrated Knowledge, Hartford, USA. She has co-instructed the 5D kids’ program in 2021. She is a public speaker on Islam and interfaith peace dialogue in India. She is part of the research and writing team for primary level workbooks.

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